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Title Byda signs MOU with Kyrgyzstan to supply traffic enforcement system
Content Byda has signed a memorandum of understanding with a Kyrgyzstan government institution to supply its traffic enforcement system, the company announced Wednesday.

Byda is a startup headed by Kim Byeong-seong, that produces intelligent traffic enforcement radar systems that are equipped with high-frequency sensors and real-time signal processing technology.

As opposed to existing traffic radar systems, which only provide data on speed and distance, the radar system developed by Byda can also collect lane data. A Byda spokesperson said, “Our system is the first in Korea that is capable of providing information on speed, distance, and lane conditions.” The company has already supplied its product to a speed limit enforcement SI company in Korea and is now entering its first foreign market through the memorandum with Kyrgyzstan.

Applying Byda’s radar to a traffic enforcement system results in enhanced utility, as it allows data to be collected on not only the speed of each vehicle but the degree of traffic congestion and flow rate per lane. The company recently created a speed warning sign (Driver Feedback System) based on this technology and has supplied it to one district office in Seoul so far.

Byda possess several technologies: high-frequency antennae (24 GHz broadband) design technology, digital beam technology with a high detection rate, high-frequency circuit technology for high-density wiring, and radar signal processing technology that conducts multi-layered, precision analyses of reflected radar waves in real-time. Its radar signal processing technology has been patented in Korea and is currently being marketed overseas as well.

Byda is planning to use these technologies to develop and produce a radar system for facility security purposes and drone collision prevention. A Byda spokesperson said, “We plan to supply our new products to various types of customers, including public enterprises, private companies, and autonomous district governments.”

In late 2016, Byda was designated as a K-Global 300 company by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, and in January this year, it was designated by the Gyeonggi Center for Creative Economy & Innovation as an intensive incubation company and began receiving support for its overseas marketing activities.

Registration Date Registration Date : 2017.04.20
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Attached File Byda’s traffic radar equipment (Byda).jpg